Alexandra answers all the questions you were afraid or forgot to ask.

This is an OPEN BOOK of Alexandra's past, present & future
If you have a question you'd like to have answered, just email it and check back for the answer.

83 Facts About Me

1. I won’t eat anything green except salad.
2. I was born Scott William Billings, when my Dad got the telegram announcing my birth, it read: “Congrats. You are the Father of a 7 and a half pound baby BOT.”
3. My Father stood up at Karen Carpenter’s wedding.
4. I was engaged to a man for about 2 weeks.
5. I was a Hubbard Street Dance company alternate.
6. I got clean and sober on March 28, 1989
7. Dogs scare the whooey out of me.
8. I’ve had AIDS since the early 80’s.
9. I believe in a Higher Power. Absolutely no doubt whatsoever.
10. I can’t stand the sound of thunder.
11. If I were to invite three famous people to dinner (living or dead) they would be: Mary Magdeline, Katherine Hepburn, and Winston Churchill. Can you imagine dessert talk?
12. Eartha Kitt once gave me her faux hair as a gift while we sat in the back of her limousine.
13. I got my cat Tatiana from a crack house.
14. When my parents divorced, my Mother burned her wedding dress in a trash can .
15. I can eat anything and barely gain weight.
16. Chrisanne and I were married on Dec 4, 1995.
17. My Mother once dropped a fish bowl on her big toe and sliced it off. When the doctors attempted to sew her back on, they botched the job, and her toe always looked like it was trying to run away from her foot.
18. I am an ex prostitute.
19. I only have full hearing out of my right ear.
20. I survived two physically abusive relationships that totaled almost 4 years.
21. I almost married Rick Donovan. (70’s adult film star)
22. Kelly Lauren once saved my life.
23. I have a burn mark on my right hand that nobody ever notices.
24. Daylight Savings Time confuses the heck out of me.
25. I have a secret desire to visit Europe. Well….I guess it’s not so secret anymore, is it?
26. I was hooked on heroin for almost 2 years, and miss it almost every day.
27. I was homeless for about a year, and ate out of the back of MacDonalds dumpsters.
28. I was a Baton girl for 4 years.
29. I rarely get cast in plays that I audition for.
30. My first introduction to theatre was when I was 8 years old. My Dad was the musical director at Harbor College (in California) and he was recording their performance of “Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd”. I fell in love.
31. The first human voice I remember hearing was Judy Garland’s.
32. I have a brown birth mark on the back of my left leg. I don’t use words like “mole”.
33. I have one brother.
34. After my parents divorced, my Mother married our next door neighbor, and my Dad married our next door neighbor’s piano teacher.
35. I can juggle.
36. I am not a fan of Willy Shakespeare.
37. Chrisanne and I met while we were doing “Twelfth Night” at Schaumburg High School. We played brother and sister. It was 1976.
38. My hair is naturally curly.
39. My parents were going to get re married. They went on a pre honeymoon, and my Mother had a massive stroke, and died.
40. My Father passed away 2 years and 2 weeks to the day after my Mom.
41. I think everything could be just a little cleaner.
42. When I leave my car, I check for my car keys in my purse exactly 5 times.
43. I have a good sense of direction, but I get lost frequently.
44. I hate to be alone.
45. I don’t mind things that fly, but I can’t stand things that crawl.
46. I dated a circus clown.
47. If there was an emergency, and I had to get out of the house in a hurry, the three things I would grab would be: the cats, my purse, and one picture off our family wall….whichever one I could get my hands on first.
48. I hate crowds. Anything over 10 people in a room, is a crowd.
49. I have debilitating stage fright.
50. I don’t like the way I sing. I want to sound like Linda Eder. Instead, I sound like Elaine Stritch.
51. I directed a play once in which Honey West was the star.
52. I was at Ginger Spice’s (not the Spice Girl) bedside when she passed away from AIDS. She was 24 years old.
53. It can take me up to a year to finish one book. Although the one I just read: “Glinda of Oz” was finished in a week, Maybe it depends on the book.
54. I never went to college.
55. When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I went to Sears in my Mother’s moo-moo.
56. I don’t understand Rap music.
57. Every time a show that I’m in closes, I’m certain I’ll never work again.
58. I have no desire to be in my twenties again. However, I would like to LOOK like I was in my twenties.
59. It’s rumored in my family that we are of the lineage that helped found Billings, Montana.
60. I sang with Bea Arthur at the Gentry on Halsted.
[webmaster's note: and Deborah Gibson at Gentry on State]
61. The two craziest titles of shows I appeared in were: “Cannibal Cheerleaders on Crack”, and “Shannon Dougherty Shoots A Porno”.
62. Chrisanne and I have pet names for each other.
63. I hate sailing.
64. Madonna is a mystery to me.
65. I can roll my tongue.
66. I could eat hamburgers until the cows come home. No pun intended.
67. I have a slight obsession for roller coasters.
68. “Yankee Doodle Dandy”, the movie starring James Cagney always makes me cry.
69. Learning the View Points changed my life.
70. I was in the hospital with a fever of 103 degrees for almost a week. The doctors thought I was dying.
71. I survived an earthquake.
72. My feet are a size 10.
73. I have an unnatural fear of the dark. And the Boogeyman. Oh he’s real. He is.
74. I would rather be boiling hot as opposed to freezing cold.
75. I talk to our cats when no one’s around. No, I mean we have cerebral, in-depth conversations. You should hear their views on George W. Bush. It aint pretty.
76. My Step Sister Michelle taught me to be a pom pom girl when I was 10 years old.
77. I used to be a trained lifeguard.
78. I was arrested in Chicago for wearing “women’s clothes” in the late 70’s.
79. I flunked Gym in High School.
80. I can drive a stick shift.
81. I’ve never practiced an acceptance speech in my bathroom mirror.
82. If I had to give up acting, I would be an acting teacher for the rest of my life. And happily.
83. My Spirit has always defined my gender.